December 8, 2014


QML Support – Call for Removal

Simon Hausmann, senior software engineer at The Qt Company, has proposed removing the QML bundle support from Qt:

Raspberry Pi Update

There have been a number of interesting new developments and the Raspberry Pi project has continued to move ahead.

November 17, 2014


Qt Release Update

  • Qt 5.4.0 is now "frozen".
  • At this time, only bug fixes will be allowed into the 5.4.0 release tree.
  • The current plan is to get an RC out on Tuesday November 18.

Qt Nominations

  • Paul Lemire has been nominated as an Approver.

November 10, 2014


Qt Update

The Qt mailing list traffic has been slow due to the Qt Developer Days 2014 conference held in San Francisco all of last week.

Qt 5.4.0 Branching

Qt 5.4.0 branching will take place Monday November 10. 

This will mean:

  • The ‘5.4’ branch will be temporarily locked on the 10th of November 2014 @ 07:00 CET

  • We will wait for all ongoing integrations to succeed/fail before preparing the branch.