February 2, 2015


This Week in Qt

Status of Qt 5.4.1 from Jani Heikkinen early last week:

January 26, 2015


Qt This Week

Qt 5.4.1 is still on track for a release by the end of next week.

Timur Pocheptsov has been nominated for Approver status.

January 12, 2015


Qt Activities

A Qt 5.4.1 branch is now available for changes targeted toward the release of 5.4.1. Current changes in 5.4 will be merged into the 5.4.1 branch on Friday, January 16.

January 5, 2015


There are no Qt updates for this week.

This is due to the holiday season and traffic on the Qt lists is quite low.

Happy New Year!

2014 Year in Review

As the year draws to a close, I thought it would be good to take a look back at some of the major events of the Qt world in 2014.

Qt is now on a regular schedule of two major releases per year. We saw Qt 5.3.0 (1) come out in May and Qt 5.4.0 (2) in December. More minor releases occur, as needed, between the major releases.