April 13, 2015


Qt Activities and Accomplishments

The Qt Installer Framework, version 2.2, has been released: http://blog.qt.io/blog/2015/04/07/qt-installer-framework-2-0-released/

Qt 5.5 beta binaries are still in process and should be available soon.

  - Some third party libs will be updated - libpng and libtiff.

Qt 5.4.2 is still in development. The intent is to release a 5.4.2 by the end of April.

March 30, 2015


All Things Qt

Qt Releases

The current release schedule indicates that a 5.5 beta will be released on April 9.

The goal is still to release a Qt 5.4.2 sometime in April.

Qt 4.8.7 could be released Tuesday of this week.


KDAB has announced it is dropping ongoing BlackBerry 10 support in Qt 5.

March 16, 2015


Qt Releases

Qt 5.5 Alpha is still under development.  Current issues appear related to integration into qt5.git.

Qt 5.4.2 is currently scheduled for release in mid-April.

Qt 4.8.7 should be released this month.  Copyright changes in Qt 5 are going to apply to this version as well.

Qt Roadshow

ICS and The Qt Company are hosting a Qt Roadshow across North America where key players in the industry will collaborate with technology managers & developers on innovations that change how developers and consumers experience a phenomenal UI/UX and uncompromised performance. The event series will take place in key tech centers and is one of the future forward events where you can rub elbows with Qt experts and move upcoming technology achievements ahead.