February 15, 2016
Qt in Motion
New Qt 5.6 RC snapshots are available: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-rc/
The official RC should be released "as soon as possible".
New features page for Qt 5.7 (still in progress) can be found here: https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.7
The Qt 5.7 branch has been created.
The Qt 5.5 branch has been closed to future development.
Qt Test Driven Development using Google Test and Google Mock - On-Demand Video
Example code is intended only to express concepts and design patterns, and as such should not be used in a production environment.
View the Slides
Fixed Function to Modern OpenGL (Part 4 of 4)
Fixed Function to Modern OpenGL (Part 3 of 4)
Fixed Function to Modern OpenGL (Part 2 of 4)
February 8, 2016
Qt Anticipated Release Schedule
The Qt 5.6 RC release is planned to occur in approximately 2 weeks.
Qt 5.7 feature freeze is now in effect. An Alpha release is currently planned for Feb 23.
Fixed Function to Modern OpenGL (Part 1 of 4)
February 1, 2016
Qt Accomplishments and Activities