An Introduction to Python Part 1

C++ offers Qt programmers a number of benefits, including performance and scaling. But, it's cumbersome and complex. Scripting language Python is a powerful alternative that's easier to use.

May 31, 2016


For the Qt 5.7.0 release candidate there are still some blockers preventing release. The plan is still to release on Weds (June 1) if the remaining issues can be resolved in time.

For Qt 5.6.1, the plan is to get final packages for testing and possibly release next week.

May 23, 2016


New Qt 5.7.0 RC snapshots are available:

Qt’s continued plan is to release by Jun 1.  The current known issues are:

  • WebEngine and WebView are missing from 32-bit windows packages
  • Serial bus is missing from Windows and Android packages
  • VKB and qtquickcontrols2 example paths are wrong

    and the nomination goes to…

Frank Meerkoetter has been nominated for Approver status