The QML Presentation System

With Qt Developer Days 2013 rapidly approaching, a number of Qt developers are busy preparing presentations for the conference, myself included. I thought it would be timely to give an overview of the QML Presentation System.

A Multilayered Architecture for Qt Quick

The architecture of a Qt Quick application is the difference between pain and joy. A good architecture makes C++ and QML integration seem natural, while a poor and muddled architecture makes it an exercise in frustration.

Qt and C++11

With most C++ compilers now providing good support for the latest language standard, C++11, let's look at some of the new language features that are particularly useful for use in Qt programs.

The Qt 5 Multimedia QML Elements

Qt 5 introduced a new set of multimedia APIs. Both C++ and QML APIs are provided. In this blog post, I will give an overview of the QML APIs for multimedia.

Integrating a Custom Widget into Qt Designer

This blog post will describe how to write a custom Qt widget and how to integrate it into Qt Designer so that you can drag and drop it onto your designs. It will also provide an understanding of important differences between Qt 4 and Qt 5 when it comes to creating designable widgets.

What's New in Qt 5.1: X11 Extras

This is the first in a series of blog postings that will discuss some of the notable new features in the Qt 5.1 release. The Qt 5.1 release will contain a new module known as X11 Extras. This module provides some platform-specific features for Qt on X11-based systems. The module was available earlier as standalone code that you could check out from and build yourself with Qt 5.0.

What's new in Qt 5: QStandardPaths

Qt 5.0.0 introduced the QStandardPaths class. This expands on functionality that was in Qt 4 in the QDesktopServices class.

The QStandardPaths class provides methods for accessing standard paths on a system such as the location of the user's desktop directory or location of a program executable. The class provides only static methods, so it never needs to be instantiated as an object.

Multiple Inheritance in Qt


A quick trivia quiz:

  1. Does Qt use multiple inheritance?
  2. If so, how many public Qt classes use it?
  3. Does any Qt class directly inherit from more than two classes?
  4. Does Qt let you multiply inherit (directly or indirectly) from QObject?

If you can correctly answer these questions off the top of your head you're definitely a Qt and C++ guru and can stop reading now. If not, then by the end of this article you will be able to answer these questions and impress your colleagues with your knowledge.