A Week of Compiling
This week was a little slow as some people were away for the holidays. The new callback-qtimplementation by Viras got committed to github and we are now working with that version.
Another Name Change
Marketing Push
New Qt 5 / WebKit 2 WebView APIs
There was no blog posting last week because I was away for some vacation in a warm place.
This week work continued implementing the APIs for Accelerometer and Notification and using the Qt Simulator for testing.
Repos Moving
This week we finished implementing some Cordova APIs (at least for the Qt 4 version). Compass and Accelerometer are done and some of Events was implemented. Notification is done as is most of File support and we are starting work on Contacts and Camera.
Note that I am going to start consistently using the name Cordova rather than Callback orPhoneGap for this project.
Corinthian Leather
This week we switched to the new repository. Some pull requests from the old repository had to be resubmitted. Changes were committed for :
Move to QML
Since the last posting we properly set up deployment of Cordova Qt for MeeGo Harmattan (e.g. the Nokia N9 phone). We also got Qt 5 packages including WebKit built for MeeGo Harmattan and tested it on a Nokia N9. Incidently, a big PR1.2 software update rolled out this week for MeeGo Harmattan phones.
Odds 'n Ends
Qt 5 alpha release is imminent!
In the past week or so we commited some more code for Contacts and Notification. Camera support has been submitted as a pull request.
We are doing some testing on Symbian with a Nokia E7 phone as we haven't done much testing on Symbian up to now.