The BeagleBone Black: A Low-Cost Embedded Platform, Part 1
In this blog post I will look at the BeagleBone Black, a low-cost embedded computer platform that supports Qt.
Qt 5.2.1
Qt 5.2.1 has been merged into the release branch -- all additional 5.2.1 development should take place there.
The first 5.2.1 snapshots are now available here:
Qt 5.2.2
The stable branch will be bumped to 5.2.2.
A Qt 5.2.1 release is imminent, though no specific date is set yet.
Qt 5.3
Current plans for 5.3 are:
What's New in Qt 5.2: QCommandLineParser
Using Self-Signed Certificates in Qt Code
What's New in Qt 5.2?
Qt 5.2.0 is now out! In this blog post, we'll look at some of the highlights of this new release.
Release Timeline
Qt 5.2 is a minor release of Qt (as opposed to a major release like Qt 6 or a patch release like 5.1.2). As such, it is binary compatible with other Qt 5 releases. The release occurred on the following timeline: