QVariant, QObject: Qt's not just for GUI development

In part II of our Qt for Beginners Summer Webinar Series we will explore how Qt is so much more than just a GUI toolkit. Through two classes, QObject and QVariant, Qt brings us introspection, makes it easier to manage memory in C++ and makes it easier to decouple classes. 

Qt Support for Input Masks and Validators

In the two-part Qt Basics, we'll look at Qt's support for input masks and validators. Today we explore support from widgets. In a future installment we'll look at how these features are supported from QML.

Qt Meetup Boston

​​Join ICS and The Qt Company for a Qt Meetup on Tuesday, June 26 at 6 pm at the ICS headquarters in Waltham, MA.

Monday, May 14, 2018


-Qt 5.11.0 RC1 has been released via online downloader.

-There will be an RC2 release to address a security issue in chromium. The plan is to do a final release on May 22, 2018.

-Qt 5.9.6 is planned for release at the beginning of July.