May 18, 2020

Video sessions from Qt Virtual Tech Con 2020 now available.

Introduction to the Qt Quick Scene Graph

Interacting with the Qt Quick scene graph is a good bonus skill for any Qt developer to have. In this introductory webinar we will present this component: a graphical representation of the Item scene and an alternative method to QML coding. Proper use of the underlying scene graph can save performance at runtime. We will explore how to interact with the scene graph through a simple example and suggest when it is appropriate to use.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Suggestions regarding lowercase keywords; no Qt 5.14.3 release; update on Qt 5.15.0 RC1.

Qt Virtual Tech Con 2020

Join 25+ hours of live tech talks, Q&As, and more in an online, and completely free, virtual event for designers, developers, and technology managers.