Qt Test Framework

Saving time while making sure your application code is stable is important. There are many benefits to unit testing, among them, is the ability to modify and extend existing code without breaking existing functionality. It also helps you really understand the design of the code you are working on while giving you instant feedback along the development process. In this webinar, you will learn the basics of unit testing C++ classes and QML items using the Qt Test Framework provided by Qt 5.

Giving Thanks for UX Design

Engineers designed and developed products, and usability tended to be an afterthought. Anyone who remembers programming a first-generation VCR should know what I’m talking about.

Your Software Supply Chain – and How to Manage It

There are many challenges when considering software development in general. Adding to that complexity is the need to have and maintain external resources. Many software development projects today are global and require teams of engineers who are versed in the latest technologies and can produce safe, reliable, high-quality products. While no software company is immune from these foundational issues, there are ways in which companies can manage its software supply chain that make good business sense.

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Qt Roadshow Abstracts

Lars Knoll, 

Qt Roadshow Agenda

Time Session
8:30-9:00am Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:30am Intro by The Qt Company
9:30-10:30am Strategy Insight: Build Your World with Qt, Lars Knoll, The Qt Company
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45 - 11:45am

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