3D rendering

  • When you are a 3D printing hobbyist like me, every morning is like Christmas: you set your printer before hitting the pillows and then go downstairs the next morning to discover what amazing things have appeared. At the moment, in my house it’s usually articulated dragons that come right off the…

  • An interesting feature coming in Qt 5.10 is a new Qt back end that uses WebGL for rendering. It allows Qt applications (with some limitations) to run in a web browser that supports WebGL.  What Is it? The new back end uses WebGL, which stands for Web Graphics Library. WebGL is a JavaScript…

  • Welcome back! Last time we talked about texturing, lighting and geometry in regards to porting fixed function OpenGL to Modern OpenGL and while it covered the basic features in OpenGL programs, it left out a lot of advanced techniques that your fixed-function code may have used.  In…

  • The code referenced in this blog is available here. Texturing Texture setup in modern OpenGL is nearly equivalent to what you are used to in the fixed-function API.  You still have to enable your texture units, create and configure your texture objects (including mipmap chains), upload…

  • The code referenced in this blog is available here. In our last blog, we re-implemented the famous OpenGL triangle in world space and compared and contrasted the fixed-function GLUT program with an equivalent Modern OpenGL program.  We covered how to use Qt's math functions to…

  • The code referenced in this blog is available here. This is the second of a four part blog series, in which we compare and contrast Fixed-Function OpenGL with Modern OpenGL and introduce you to the issues involved in porting your code to Modern OpenGL. Last time we covered the…

  • The code referenced in this blog is available here. In this first of a four part blog series, we outline differences between Fixed-Function OpenGL with Modern OpenGL and show effective solutions for common issues encountered when porting your code to Modern OpenGL. I…
