September 2016

September 2016
Qt World Summit

Mark HatchWelcome to ICS' September Newsletter

We’ve been busy this month planning for Qt World Summit, Oct. 18-20 in San Francisco. ICS is a platinum sponsor and senior training partner at this important event. We’re presenting several pre-show training courses, featuring topics ranging from QML to OpenGL to UX and several in-depth technical talks. We’re also showcasing some of our latest projects on the exhibition floor. Stop by our booth to see real-world examples of our work in embedded devices, surveillance systems, IVI and IoT. It’s not too late to register. I hope to see you there!

Mark Hatch, COO
Live Webinar

Live Webinar – Qt Test-Driven Development Using Google Test & Google Mock

October 27, 1:00 pm EDT
Test-driven development (TDD) has many hidden benefits and using it in combination with Google Test and Google Mock affords software engineers the ability to isolate the units of their applications for maximum testing. Join us and learn how using design techniques can help your next project.Register Now >>
Car Webinar

Webinar On-Demand – The Convergence of Connected Cars & Smart Homes

In this replay we discuss connected cars, smart homes and the greater world of IoT, and examine standards and protocols that will allow them to converge. We also present an IVI media architecture developed by ICS, and address the challenges of preparing for unknown future capabilities with a plugin architecture that is extendible and robust. Watch Now >>
QNX Medical Info

QNX Medical Info Days

October 6, Woburn, MA
October 27, Bloomington, MN
ICS is joining QNX, a leading technology provider to medical device manufacturers, for Medical Info Days. During these full-day sessions, a group of leading industry subject matter experts will address the challenges medical device manufacturers face in taking their innovations from the concept stage, through regulatory approval and to market. Register Now>>
Intel RealSense

Intel RealSense

Faced with the challenge of teaching developers how to use RealSensetechnology, Intel® collaborated with ICS to create an application that offers interactive lessons covering capabilities of the RealSense hardware and software. Intel RealSense technology allows developers to create the next generation of natural, immersive and intuitive applications — including hand and finger tracking, facial analysis, speech recognition, augmented reality and 3D scanning. Read More >>

GeniviGENIVI’s 15th All-Member Meeting – October 18 - 21

The GENIVI Alliance and the in-vehicle infotainment and connected vehicle community will meet to explore the alliance’s most recent technology advancements in open source IVI and connected car software.  Read More >>

The Rise of Social MediaThe Rise of Social Media Brings New Responsibilities for UX Designers

Social media is challenging UX designers to tell compelling stories in new ways. Understanding users’ online behaviors is key for creating visually captivating and relevant designs. Read More >>

Turning the pageTurning the Page: Creating Natural-Feeling Touchscreen Interactions

Creating touchscreen user experiences that feel as natural as turning a page should be the goal of any touch-interface designer. Read More >>

YoctoYocto Quick Start

While Yocto is complex, it's easy to get started. You don't even need embedded hardware. Here's how to get going. Read More >>

Upcoming Events

Programming with Qt for Desktops – October 24 - 28Denver, CO

This is a five-day, in-depth introduction to Qt programming, primarily focused on using Qt Widgets and associated development tools, such as Qt Designer and Qt Creator. Students will experience the challenges of cross-platform development with exercises that involve porting applications from Windows to MacOS (or vice versa). Enroll Now >>

Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices

October 31 - November 4, Waltham, MA
November 28 - December 2, Chicago, IL
This hands-on, five-day course teaches participants how to use Qt and Qt Quick to develop modern applications for embedded systems and touchscreens. Each student will work on his own real development board. Enroll Now >>