Qt 5 Alpha Out, Raspberry Pi Shipping
Work has been slowing down somewhat as Qt 5 has been firming up for release.
Connecting tech leaders with insight to move the needle, and developers and designers with inspiration to build really cool touchscreen-driven stuff people will love.
Work has been slowing down somewhat as Qt 5 has been firming up for release.
In the past week or so we commited some more code for Contacts and Notification. Camera support has been submitted as a pull request.
Throughout this project one thing that has been constantly changing has been the source code repositories, both due to several project names changes and with the move to being run as an Apache project.
Since the last posting we properly set up deployment of Cordova Qt for MeeGo Harmattan (e.g.
This week we switched to the new repository. Some pull requests from the old repository had to be resubmitted. Changes were committed for :
This week we finished implementing some Cordova APIs (at least for the Qt 4 version).
There was no blog posting last week because I was away for some vacation in a warm place.
This week we did some marketing to promote the project. All of this effort stimulated some good discussion on the blogs and callback developer mailing list.
PhoneGap, recently renamed to Apache Callback, is now being renamed as Apache Cordova.
This week was a little slow as some people were away for the holidays.
This week we kicked off the PhoneGap for Qt 5 project. The goal of the project is to develop a complete version of the PhoneGap open source mobile development framework for the Qt 5 platform.