Qt Events & Experiences
Qt Creator, 4.0.0 has been released: http://blog.qt.io/blog/2016/05/11/qt-creator-4-0-0-released/
Qt 5.7.1 development is still on track for an RC release by Jun 1.
Qt 5.6.1 is still in progress, but according to the release meeting minutes: "it will still take some time before we are ready to release Qt 5.6.1".
There are snapshots available at, http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.1/
Qt World Summit
The Call for Papers for the 2016 Qt World Summit is now open. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QtWS16
Congratulations and Nominations
- Marco Benelli is now an Approver.
- Edward Welbourne and Alexandru Croitor have been nominated for Approver status.
- Oliver Wolff has been nominated to be a Maintainer for QtANGLE.
- Maurice Kalinowski has been nominated to be Maintainer for the Qt for Windows Runtime (WinRT) Platform.
- Miikka Heikkinen and Tomi Korpipää have been nominated to be Maintainers for the recently open sourced Qt Charts and Data Visualization modules, respectively.
Posted by Jon Trulson