-Branching from Qt 5.10.1 for 5.10 is completed. A snapshot is available via the online installer. The goal is to release 5.10.1 as soon as possible, perhaps this week.
-There is a discussion on the development mailing list on the topic of Qt branches and a proposal for how to continue with those. It proposes the following:
- '5.6' will move in very strict mode
- '5.9' will move in strict mode. No direct submissions anymore, just cherry picks from stable
- '5.10' will be closed and Qt 5.10.1 will be the final release from Qt 5.10 series. (5.6 and 5.9 are LTS branches so we shouldn't keep Qt 5.10 active too long.)
- '5.11' will be the one and only stable branch
Posted by Jon Trulson