product design
Some design practices can be described as just good common sense because they efficiently move progress on the project or mitigate risk of failures. Advancing a new product or service concept in the form of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) fits into this category of a commonsense practice. After all…
BlogIf you’re serious about creating a great product that truly meets the needs of users, conducting well-planned research at the start of product development is key. Up-front research provides critical insight that can serve as the solid foundation on which to build your design strategy. The…
BlogWe’ve become accustomed to minimalist design in app and web design. But with the Internet of Things (IoT), the trend in user experience (UX) design is toward even more extreme minimalism, at least on consumer side. Consider a few of the most well-known IoT products out there – FitBit, Nest…
BlogUsability testing refers to the practice of evaluating a feature, product or service by testing it with representative users. From a user experience (UX) standpoint, this process helps designers understand whether the “product” — a software application’s user interface, for instance — is user-…