Pre-Course Setup: Building an Embedded Application with Qt

Before the course begins, please be sure to setup your equipment properly to ensure the first day goes smoothly. As a reminder, the hardware requirements can be found here

Depending on which Raspberry Pi board you have, please flash one of the of the following images (zip) to your SD card:

Raspberry Pi 4 

Note: The image doesn't boot to a GUI

Log-in for the RaspberryPi : root / no password

For help you can use the following instructions:

Please watch one of the screen setup videos below, depending on the screen you purchased:

HDMI with Touch


RaspberryPi Screen Set-up

If you have an HDMI screen you must remove the line below from the images /boot/config.txt

  • dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch,invx,invy

You also must edit the /boot/cmdline.txt file by removing the following:

  • video=DSI-1:800x480@60,rotate=180

Download the Virtual Machine image (4.7 G)

Log-in for the vm : ics/ ics

Learn how to import the virtual machine into VirtualBox:

The video below shows how we have set up the SDK in the VM image:

For anyone wanting to set the SDK up instead of using the virtual machine you can download the SDK here (1.1GB) and the labs to be used in class from

How to Use a Breadboard

GPIO Breadboard Connections Sheet

GPIO Device Wiring