Qt World Summit 2021
November 3 — ICS is a platinum sponsor at The Qt World Summit, the largest annual gathering of the Qt community. It's virtual and FREE so be sure to register and listen to our talk on using the Qt Installer Framework with Qt 6! Register Now >>

Welcome to ICS' October Newsletter
In this issue of our newsletter, we cover a range of dev topics from building Qt 6 from source on Ubuntu Linux to modernizing legacy software to creating a robust over-the-air update mechanism for your connected fleet. There are also details on our popular Desktop Application Creation with Qt 6 virtual training course, which provides an introduction to Qt programming focusing on Qt Widgets and associated development tools. And, if you’re interested in learning about the Qt State Machine Framework using Qt 6, add our December 16 live webinar to your calendar. Enjoy!
Peter Winston, CEO

Live Webinar: An Introduction to the Qt State Machine Framework Using Qt 6
December 16, 1 pm EST
This webinar will provide an intro to the framework and is appropriate for developers of all experience levels. Register Now >>

Create a Robust OTA Update Mechanism for Your Remote Devices
Secure OTA software updates are essential to improving, maintaining and safeguarding your connected-device fleet. Read More >>

How to Build Qt 6.2.0 from Source on Ubuntu Linux
The ability to build Qt 6 from source is a useful skill. Here's a brief lesson. Read More >>

How to Inject New Life Into Your Legacy Product
Keeping your systems in top shape, even after decades, confers competitive advantage. Read More >>
Virtual Training: Desktop Application Creation with Qt 6
November 8 - 12
This hands-on training is an in-depth introduction to Qt programming, primarily focusing on using Qt Widgets and the associated development tools. Enroll Now >>
Breakthrough UX Design for High-Impact Products
Boston UX is ICS' digital innovation agency specializing in user experience (UX) design for mission-critical connected and embedded devices. Check out our services on our updated website. Read More >>
Upcoming Events
American Medical Device Summit — October 26 - 28
Join us in our virtual booth at the American Medical Device Summit 2021. We'll also be hosting a Lunch & Learn Roundtable on the value proposition of machine learning in medical devices. Learn More >>