Check Out Our Qt & UX Design Blogs
This Week in Qt
Stay current with This Week in Qt an original weekly blog published by the ICS engineering team. This blog quickly highlights all things Qt for developers short on time.
ICS Insights
Written by ICS's engineers and our UX team, the most recent blog posts are:
• What's One Extra Click? The Cost of Ignoring the User Experience
Is there a business cost to ignoring the user experience? In this blog post, we explore how companies that ignore UX can feel the business impact.
• Building QtWebEngine
What is QtWebEngine? In this blog post, we offer a short tutorial describing how to build the current version of QtWebEngine on a Linux desktop system, so you can run some example applications and look at the features and API.
• Seeing Red - Why Red Is a Good Contrasting Color for an Effective User Experience
In this article, we explore the color red and its use in user experience design. Research reveals interesting human behavior when people are exposed to the color red and how this translates to design in positive ways, so you don't leave your end user seeing red.
• The BeagleBone Black - A Low-Cost Embedded Platform, Part 3
In part one of this series we introduced the BeagleBone Black, a low-cost embedded computer platform that supports Qt. In part two, we looked at how to get Qt 4 up and running on this platform. In this installment, we will look at how to get the latest release of Qt, Qt 5, running on the BeagleBone Black.
• Color Theory and the User Experience
Color theory is often referenced when creating or viewing traditional works of art. Can color theory help create a more meaningful user experience? In this blog post, we explore color and its impact on human response and behavior, in particular in user experience design.