What You Need to Know About the Raspberry Pi Ecosystem
Get updated on the latest and most noteworthy happenings in the world of Raspberry Pi. Read More >>
Welcome to ICS' March Newsletter
This month, we’ve been thinking a lot about the growing popularity of Raspberry Pi for product development. Our featured blog will fill you in on the latest happenings in the Raspberry Pi ecosystem. And if, you’re looking for instruction on using this low-cost computer for product development, check out our on-demand Raspberry Pi webinar.
We’ve also been pondering the challenges associated with building compelling voice assistants. We offer some perspective in Grabbing the Attention of Siri and Alexa is Tougher Than You Think.
What else will you find this month? An insightful design leadership piece about reducing friction in the user experience; tips for deploying Qt applications to MacOS; and a variety of training opportunities, including the hands-on Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices.
That should be enough to keep you busy until next month. Happy reading! As always, if you find this content valuable, please share it with your colleagues. Thanks.
Mark Hatch, COO, ICS
Your Guide for Deploying Qt Applications to MacOS
Follow these steps to deploy a Qt application for macOS, assign icons and add assets. Read More >>
Training: Programming with Qt for Desktops
Waltham, MA — April 30 - May 4
This introduction to Qt programming primarily focuses on using Qt Widgets and associated development tools, such as Qt Designer and Qt Creator. Students experience the challenges of cross-platform development with hands-on exercises. Enroll Now >>
Grabbing the Attention of Siri and Alexa is Tougher Than You Think
Building voice apps is easy. Building great ones, not so much. Here's why. Read More >>
Reduce UX Friction: Start with User Journeys, End with Successful Products
Friction in a digital experience causes customers to turn away from your products. Here's how to avoid that. Read More >>
Webinar On-Demand: Qt on Raspberry Pi
This webinar introduces the Raspberry Pi, a low-cost ($5-$35) credit-card sized Linux computer, and looks specifically at how the Raspberry Pi can be used as a development platform for Qt. We cover how to build Qt 5 and more. Download Now >>
ICS' Contributions to the Intel Developer Zone
Check out these insightful technical articles from ICS engineers. Read More >>
Training: Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices
Sunnyvale, CA — May 14 - 18
This hands-on, five-day course teaches participants how to use Qt and Qt Quick to develop modern applications for embedded systems and touchscreens. Enroll Now >>
Upcoming Events
BIOMEDevice — April 18 & 19, Boston, MA
ICS will exhibit at BIOMEDevice Boston, home to the largest showcase of medtech industry suppliers in the region. Read More >>