Critical Factors for Connected Medical Devices of the Future
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
9:00 am - 2:30 pm
Marriott La Jolla
4240 La Jolla Village Dr
La Jolla, CA 92037
Medical device manufacturers operate in a challenging environment filled with stringent regulatory requirements, HMI, connectivity and interoperability considerations, security threats and time to market pressures. Yet, medical device manufacturers must develop increasingly complex devices in timelines that are more typical of consumer-grade electronics, but difficult to meet in a regulated industry.
Join BlackBerry QNX and ICS as we examine the journey of a medical device through its lifecycle from Innovation, Design & Development, and Pre-Market Approval to Post-Market Maintenance. We will discuss critical software decisions that impact regulatory approval effort, cost, and time to market.
Topics Include:
- Simplifying Software Integration and Safety Certification for Medical Devices
- Building Testability into the Software Architecture of Your HMI
- How Your Choice of Software Impacts the Security of Medical Devices
- Anticipating Machine Learning in Medical Devices
There will also be time for Q+A and networking. Continental breakfast and lunch are included. We hope to see you there!