Facial recognition

Unlocking the Potential of AI for Real-World Solutions

By Jeff LeBlanc and Stephanie Van Ness

If you’ve been following tech news lately, it’s hard to ignore the wave of discussion surrounding advances in artificial intelligence (AI). It's striking how techniques that were once deemed theoretical or overly complex back in the ‘90s are now integral to everyday AI applications. The journey of AI has certainly been a rollercoaster – one marked by initial enthusiasm followed by periods of stagnation and then renewed investment. This resurgence, which began around 2012, makes it clear that this current AI boom is not just a trend; it’s fundamentally reshaping the way we develop software and create products. 

As Morpheus from The Matrix famously said, “We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI.” This sentiment resonates deeply with those of us engaged in harnessing AI’s power for real-world applications.

How ICS is Innovating with AI

Our engineers foster a culture of continuous learning by participating in webinars, conducting research and attending industry conferences that showcase the latest breakthroughs in AI. We put this knowledge into practice by developing prototypes and collaborating across disciplines to implement cutting-edge AI technologies. This combination of theoretical insights and hands-on experimentation ensures we remain competitive and innovative. Currently, we are focused on exploring use cases involving facial recognition, object detection, and voice recognition in high-stakes industries.

Object Detection

One of the foundational applications of computer vision, object detection, allows systems to identify and recognize objects within images or video streams. While it might appear straightforward, the complexity increases significantly with tasks like facial detection, where the system must identify a human face amid countless variations.

In healthcare, for example, object detection has made a significant impact in radiology, helping oncologists analyze medical images to detect cancerous tissues early. These applications can even distinguish between different cancer types, demonstrating the profound potential of AI in critical fields.

Facial recognition & object detection


Facial Recognition

Facial recognition takes object detection a step further, requiring systems to not only recognize a face but to match it against a database of known individuals. This technology is under continuous scrutiny from security experts and privacy advocates, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the risks. Its applications range from unlocking smartphones to identity verification at airports.

For LenelS2, which specializes in advanced physical security products for access control, video surveillance and mobile credentialing, we developed S2 Magic Monitor®, a cross-platform digital security surveillance solution more capable than anything on the market. Magic Monitor enables security, safety and informational content to be displayed in real time throughout an organization on multiple screens in various formats, from single displays to expansive video walls. 

Over multiple releases as the product matured, ICS incorporated the latest techniques and technical advancements to enhance the product, such as sophisticated machine vision capabilities for facial recognition and object detection. 

“For instance, because separating useful information from raw data is a sizable challenge in video surveillance we used a convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze video in real time to isolate objects of interest and bring them to the attention of Security Operations Center (SOC) operators,” explained the project’s lead Developer Mark Antonelli. “This CNN runs on different hardware through use of Intel’s OpenVINO™ and nVidia’s CUDA toolkits, respectively. By utilizing machine learning capabilities, ICS and LenelS2 together created a highly successful product that gives users real control over situational awareness in security situations.”


Voice Recognition

Voice recognition is now a staple of modern technology, powering interactions with smart assistants like Siri and Alexa. With advancements in generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), these voice interactions are becoming increasingly natural and effective. At ICS, we've leveraged machine learning to transform speech into text and enable intuitive interactions. Here’s just one example:

We recently created a Proof of Concept focused using LLMs in software-defined vehicles – which represent the future of the automotive industry – to enhance driver interactions. Imagine asking your car, “Give me directions to the nearest coffee shop with a drive-thru that won’t take more than 15 minutes out of my way,” and receiving a spoken or heads-up display (HUD) response. This level of interaction is becoming a reality thanks to improved edge device processing.

Our Commitment to AI Innovation

ICS is dedicated to harnessing the power of AI to create solutions that not only meet today’s challenges but also lay the foundation for tomorrow’s intelligent systems. By strategically integrating these technologies into diverse applications, we strive to enhance our customers’ businesses and drive the evolution of software development.

If you are considering incorporating AI into your own projects, get in touch with us. Together, we can shape the future of technology in meaningful ways.