
Creating QML Controls From Scratch: TimePicker
Continuing our QML Controls from Scratch series, this time we implement a TimePicker, which allows the user to select a time in terms of hours, minutes and am/pm.
TimePicker's public interface consists of a set() function, a clicked() signal, and an interval property (to specify the granularity of minutes e.g. 1, 2, 5...). A function set() is used instead of a property since TimePicker also returns a time (via clicked()) and we only want to set once (i.e. not a binding).
set() and clicked() both pass a JavaScript Date, but use only the time part (hours, minutes) and don't use the date part (year, month, day). TimePicker is implemented with a Row of three ListViews. The ranges of 1-12 hours and 0-59 minutes are each given five repetitions to provide the illusion that they can be scrolled forever (since ListView doesn't support circular lists).
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: root
// public
function set(date) { // e.g. new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) // 12:00 AM
var hour = date.getHours() + (!date.getHours()? 12: date.getHours() <= 12? 0: -12)//24 hour to AM/PM
repeater.itemAt(0).positionViewAtIndex(12 * (repetitions - 1) / 2 + hour - 1, ListView.Center) // hour
repeater.itemAt(1).positionViewAtIndex(60 / interval * (repetitions - 1) / 2 + date.getMinutes() / interval, ListView.Center) // minute
repeater.itemAt(2).positionViewAtIndex((rows - 1) / 2 + (date.getHours() < 12? 0: 1), ListView.Center) // am/pm
for(var column = 0; column < repeater.count; column++) select(repeater.itemAt(column))
signal clicked(date date); //onClicked: print('onClicked', date.toTimeString())
property int interval: 1 // 30 20 15 10 5 2 1 minutes
// private
width: 500; height: 200 // default size
clip: true
onHeightChanged: resizeTimer.start() // resize
Timer {id: resizeTimer; interval: 1000; onTriggered: set(get())} // ensure same value is selected after resize
property int rows: 3 // number of rows on the screen (must be odd). Also change model ''
property int repetitions: 5 // number of times data is repeated (must be odd)
Row {
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: [ 12 * repetitions, 60 / interval * repetitions, ['', 'AM', 'PM', ''] ] // 1-12 hour, 0-59 minute, am/pm
delegate: ListView { // hours minutes am/pm
id: view
property int column: index // outer index
width: root.width / 3; height: root.height
snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
model: modelData
delegate: Item {
width: root.width / 3; height: root.height / rows
Text {
text: view.get(index)
font.pixelSize: Math.min(0.5 * parent.width, parent.height)
anchors{verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
right: column == 0? parent.right: undefined
horizontalCenter: column == 1? parent.horizontalCenter: undefined
left: column == 2? parent.left: undefined
rightMargin: 0.2 * parent.width}
opacity: view.currentIndex == index? 1: 0.3
onMovementEnded: {select(view); timer.restart()}
onFlickEnded: {select(view); timer.restart()}
Timer {id: timer; interval: 1; onTriggered: clicked(root.get())} // emit only once
function get(index) { // returns e.g. '00' given row
if(column == 0) return index % 12 + 1 // hour
else if(column == 1) return ('0' + (index * interval) % 60).slice(-2) // minute
else return model[index] // AM/PM
Text { // colon
text: ':'
font.pixelSize: Math.min(0.5 * root.width / 3, root.height / rows)
anchors{verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter}
x: root.width / 3 - width / 4
function select(view) {view.currentIndex = view.indexAt(0, view.contentY + 0.5 * view.height)} // index at vertical center
function get() { // returns e.g. '12:00 AM'
var hour = repeater.itemAt(0).get(repeater.itemAt(0).currentIndex) // integer
var am = repeater.itemAt(2).get(repeater.itemAt(2).currentIndex) == 'AM' // boolean
return new Date(0, 0, 0,
hour == 12? (am? 0: 12): (am? hour: hour + 12), // hour
repeater.itemAt(1).get(repeater.itemAt(1).currentIndex)) // minute
// Component.onCompleted: set(new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) // 12:00 AM otherwise defaults to index 0 selected
import QtQuick 2.0
TimePicker {
Component.onCompleted: set(new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) // 12:00 AM
onClicked: print('onClicked', Qt.formatTime(date, 'h:mm A'))
In this post, we created a TimePicker control. Use it to allow the user to select a time in terms of hours, minutes and am/pm. In the next installment in the series, we'll create a DatePicker. The source code can be downloaded here.